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International conferences

Keynotes and Invited Addresses at international conferences

Crocetti, E. (2023, November 4). Youth Identity Statuses: Theoretical and Practical Implications. Invited presentation in the conference Re-discovering Youths Today: Identity, Subculture, Psychosocial Functioning, and Service Needs. Hong Kong, China.

Crocetti, E. (2023, January 24). Designing longitudinal studies: Choosing time scales, informants, and methods. Invited presentation in the international workshop Integrating Theoretical and Methodological Aspects in Longitudinal Studies of Care Leavers. Jerusalem, Israel.

Crocetti, E. (2023, January 23). Identities: A core asset to face transition and life challenges. Invited presentation in the international workshop Integrating Theoretical and Methodological Aspects in Longitudinal Studies of Care Leavers. Jerusalem, Israel.

Crocetti, E. (2021, October). Managing identities in diverse societies. Keynote, European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), The virtual 2021 EAPP day.

Crocetti, E. (2017, November). Identity formation in emerging adulthood: A dynamic process. Invited master lecture, 8th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Washington DC, USA.

Crocetti, E. (2017, May). Systematic reviews with meta-analysis: Applications to identity research. Invited methodological session at the 24th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Groningen, the Netherlands.

Crocetti, E. (2016, July). “Who am I?” Identity formation as a core developmental task across the life span. Keynote, 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Crocetti, E. (2016, July). Identity dynamics in adolescence: The interplay of individual, relational, social, and cultural factors. Invited address, 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Yokohama, Japan.

Crocetti, E. (2015, October). Identity: Process models, psychosocial correlates, and cultural differences. Invited speaker at the SSEA Pre-conference “Identity Issues Topic Network”. 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Miami, USA.

Invited symposia at international conferences

Crocetti, E. (2024, September 25-28). Research on adolescence: The experience of ERC projects [Invited roundtable]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) 19th Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.

Crocetti, E. (2024, June 5-7). Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research. Its Origins, Present, and Future. 30th Anniversary Session at the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI) Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Crocetti, E. (2021, November). Reflecting on the past and looking to the future: Identity. In L. Nelson (Chair), Reflecting on the past and looking to the future. Presidential symposium held at the 10th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Virtual meeting.

Crocetti, E. (2021, November). Publishing on emerging adulthood. Innovative session held at the 10th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Virtual meeting.

Crocetti, E. (2019, October). Tips from the experts: How to make an extraordinary contribution to the study of emerging adulthood. Innovative session conducted at the 9th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Toronto, Canada.

Crocetti, E. (2017, November). Emerging adulthood in Europe: What we know and what we don’t know. In S. J. Schwartz & R. Žukauskienē (Chairs), Emerging adulthood in Europe: An integrative perspective. Presidential Symposium conducted at the 8th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Washington DC, USA.

Crocetti, E., Rubini, M., & Meeus, W., & Branje, S., (2016, September). Reciprocal associations between family relationships and identity formation: An overview of longitudinal studies with adolescents and emerging adults. In I. Seiffge-Krenke (Convenor), Family relations and identity. Invited symposium conducted at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

Crocetti, E., & Kunnen, S (2016, July). Recent advances in the study of adolescent development: An EARA-ISSBD Symposium. Invited joint symposium, 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Crocetti, E. (2015, October). Publishing emerging adulthood research: A conversation with editors. Invited Discussion Session conducted at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Miami, USA.

Crocetti, E., Branje, S., Rubini, M., van Lier, P., Koot, H., & Meeus, W. (2014, September). Dynamics of identity processes and relational systems in adolescence: A multi-informant and longitudinal study. In L. Lannegrand-Willems (Convenor), Identity Processes from Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood. Invited symposium conducted at the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Izmir, Turkey.

Crocetti, E. & Meeus, W. (2013, July). Assessing children and adolescents anxiety in a cross-cultural perspective: Applications of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED). In Godoy, A., & Nogueira, R. (Conveners), Advances in the assessment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Invited symposium conducted at the European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA), Donostia – San Sebastian, Spain.

Eckstein, K., & Crocetti, E. (2016, September). Meet the editors of scientific journals: A SECNet initiative. Session conducted at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

Meeus, W., Klimstra, T., Crocetti, E. (2010, March). Long-term transitions in identity status and short-term fluctuations in identity in adolescence. In W. Meeus (Chair), Longitudinal and comparative approaches to identity formation in adolescence. Invited Symposium conducted at the 13th Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Žukauskienė, R., Kaniušonytė, G., Crocetti, E., Malinauskienė, O., Hihara, S., Sugimura, K. (2017, November). Objective and subjective aspects of transition to adulthood in emerging adults: The link with quality of family relationships and well-being. In S. J. Schwartz & R. Žukauskienē (Chairs), Emerging adulthood in Europe: An integrative perspective. Presidential Symposium conducted at the 8th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Washington DC, USA.

Symposia at international conferences (Chair)

Bobba, B. & Crocetti, E. (2022, August). What a wonderful… multicultural world: Individual and socio-contextual correlates of intergroup attitudes and relations. Symposium conducted at the 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Crocetti, E. (2024, September 25-28). Identity resources to promote adolescents’ solidarity and well-being. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) 19th Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.

Crocetti, E., Branje, S., & Fadjukoff, P. (2024, June 5-7). Longitudinal research on identity: Challenges and best practices of large-scale projects? Interactive session at the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI) Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Crocetti, E. (2023, August 28 – September 01). Developing identities in European ethically and culturally diverse societies. Symposium at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Turku, Finland.

Crocetti, E. & Sugimura, K. (2022, August). Identity matters for well-being and adaptation to transitions: How and when? Symposium conducted at the 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Crocetti, E. (2019, October). Identity challenges in emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the 9th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Toronto, Canada.

Crocetti, E. (2018, September). The multifaceted nature of adolescents’ identity. Symposium conducted at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Crocetti, E., & Negru-Subtirica, O. (2018, September). Nurturing healthy identity formation: New insights from longitudinal studies. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Crocetti, E., & Sugimura, K. (2020, September). Identity challenges in a rapidly changing world. Symposium conducted at the 17th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Porto, Portugal.

Crocetti, E., & Sugimura, K. (2018, May). Time as a key factor for studying identity in emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the SSEA thematic conference Self and identity in emerging Adulthood, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Crocetti, E. (2016, September). Exploring new routes: Innovative applications of the three-factor identity model. Symposium conducted at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

Crocetti, E. (2015, October). Identity formation and self-development in emerging adulthood: New insights from longitudinal studies. Symposium conducted at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Miami, USA.

Crocetti, E., & Klimstra, T. (2012, August). Individual, relational, and cultural factors influencing identity paths in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.

Crocetti, E., & Sugimura, K. (2012, August). Perception of emerging adulthood and transition to adulthood in different cultural contexts. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.

Crocetti, E., & Klimstra, T. (2008, May). Identity formation in adolescence: Longitudinal studies on antecedents and consequences of identity development. Symposium conducted at the 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Torino, Italy.

De Lise, F., & Crocetti, E. (2023, August 28 – September 01). Identity and well-being across youth’s development: Their interplay in multiple domains. Symposium at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Turku, Finland.

Hale, W., & Crocetti, E. (2012, August). New insights into adolescent anxiety disorders development: Longitudinal biological and cross-sectional multi-cultural perspectives. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.

Karataş, S., & Crocetti, E. (2020, September). The multifaceted influences of migration on adolescents. Symposium conducted at the 17th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Porto, Portugal.

McNamara Barry, C., & Crocetti, E. (2011, October). The Role of Religiosity on Emerging Adults’ Behaviors. Symposium at 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Providence, RI, USA.

Mercer, N., & Crocetti, E. (2016, July). Moral development across the life span: New insights on developmental pathways, antecedents, correlates, and consequences of morality. Symposium conducted at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Sica, L. S., & Crocetti, E. (2019, May). Identifying resources for optimal identity development during adolescence. Symposium conducted at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Naples, Italy.

Sugimura, K., & Crocetti, E. (2016, July), Adolescent psychosocial development. Symposium conducted at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Yokohama, Japan.

Syed, M., & Crocetti, E. (2013, October). Identity Development in Emerging Adulthood: Exploring the Diversity in Process and Outcomes. Symposium conducted at the 6th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Chicago (IL), USA.

Tagliabue, S., & Crocetti, E. (2011, October). Representations of emerging adulthood and transition to adulthood in different cultural contexts. Symposium conducted at 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Providence, RI, USA.

Symposia at international conferences (Discussant)

Crocetti, E. (2024, September 25-28). The light in the crack. In F. Giannotta & P. Larm (Chairs), Righting the wrongs: Interventions and protective factors to promote resilience for vulnerable groups of children and young people. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) 19th Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.

Crocetti, E. (2022, August, 24-27). Identities’ interplay. In L. Juang & T. Aral (Chairs), Heritage, national, and religious identity development during adolescence. Symposium conducted at the 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Crocetti, E. (2022, August, 24-27). Addressing adolescents’ mental health is (still) the main priority. In F. Giannotta (Chair), Youth mental health in the last 20 years: Risk and protective factors. Symposium conducted at the 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Crocetti, E. (2019, May). To change or not to change? Identity pathways in young people. In L. van Doeselaar (Chair), The role of changes in the lives of young people in identity formation. Symposium conducted at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Naples, Italy.

Crocetti, E. (2018, September). Meta-analytic studies on adolescence: Lessons learned and good practices. In S. Schulz (Chair), Meta-analytic approaches to social relationships and interactions in adolescence. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Crocetti, E. (2018, May). Vocational identity: Time for hope. In L. S. Sica Sugimura (Chair). The “sensitivity” of vocational identity in European contexts: Personal dimensions, socio-cultural influences, and methodological convergences. Symposium conducted at the SSEA thematic conference Self and identity in emerging Adulthood, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Crocetti, E. (2016, September). Adolescent identity development: New insights from longitudinal studies. In A. Becht (Chair), Identity development across adolescence: An empirical investigation of key assumptions of identity theory. Symposium conducted at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

Crocetti, E. (2016, July). Unraveling multiple pathways to youth civic engagement. In M. K. Pavlova (Chair). Factors hindering youth civic engagement. Symposium conducted at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Crocetti, E. (2016, July). New developments and bests practices in longitudinal modelling. In J. Yu (Chair), Cutting-edge methods and applications in longitudinal research. Symposium conducted at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Crocetti, E. (2015, October). New insights in identity and acculturation processes. In R. Dimitrova (Chair). Multifaceted identity and acculturation process of American, Turkish-Bulgarian and South African emerging adults. Symposium conducted at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Miami, USA.

Karataş, S., Rubini, M., Branje, S., & Crocetti, E. (2023, July 01-04) Personal and social identities in ethnic minority adolescents: Their associations with context-specific acculturation orientations. In J. Hillekens (Chair), Towards a new generation of acculturation research: Innovative dynamic and contextual methods to capture complexity across time, domains, and contexts. Symposium conducted at the Congress of European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow, Poland.

Presentations at international conferences


Bacaro, V., Pagano, M., Crocetti, E. (2024, September 24-27). Sleeping in multicultural societies: The longitudinal interplay between adolescents’ sleep health and interethnic interactions [Poster presentation]. Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Sleep Europe 2024, Seville, Spain.

Bacaro, V., De Lise, F., Natale, V., Tonetti, L., Crocetti, E. (2024, September 24-27). Night owls and early birds: The role of adolescents’ chronotype on educational identity trajectories [Poster presentation]. Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Sleep Europe 2024, Seville, Spain.

Bacaro, V., Miletic, K., Crocetti, E. (2024, September 24-27). A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on the interplay between sleep, mental health, and positive well-being in adolescents [Poster presentation]. Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Sleep Europe 2024, Seville, Spain.

Bobba, B. & Crocetti, E. (2024, September 25-28). The toll of prejudice: The longitudinal interplay between ethnic prejudice and well-being in adolescence. In B. Bobba (Chair), Does diversity matter? How interpersonal, structural, and individual factors influence adolescents’ adjustment to diversity [Symposium]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) 19th Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.

Crocetti, E. & Maratia, F. (2024, September 25-28). If I know myself, I can welcome you: Identity roots of inclusive attitudes. In E. Crocetti (Chair), Identity resources to promote adolescents’ solidarity and well-being [Symposium]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) 19th Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.

Crocetti., E., Pagano, M., & Benet-Martinez, V. (2024). Developing bicultural identities in adolescence. In S. Toprakkiran & P. Hill. (Chairs), Personality and immigration: Experiences and perceptions of immigrants [Symposium]. 21st European Conference on Personality, Berlin, Germany.

Maratia, F., Bobba, B., Cohen, A., Kwanele, B., Elsinbawi, M., Norris, A., Lizarraga, J. R., & Crocetti, E. (2024, September 25-28). From inclusive schools to inclusive societies: School diversity climate and adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment. In F. Giannotta & P. Larm (Chairs), Righting the wrong: Interventions and protective factors to promote resilience for vulnerable groups of children and young people [Symposium]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) 19th Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.

Maratia, M. & Crocetti, E. (2024, September 25-28). Doesn’t the apple fall far from the tree(s)? Fathers’ and mothers’ transmission of inclusive attitudes to adolescents [Poster presentation]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) 19th Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.

Maratia, F., & Crocetti, E. (2024, June 5-7). To achieve and embrace: The influence of educational identity statuses in the development of inclusive attitudes. In De Lise, F. (Chair), Building identity in multicultural societies: Antecedents and consequences [Symposium]. Paper presented at the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI) 30th Annual Conference 2024, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

De Lise, F., Vignoles V.L., Costin, V., Crocetti, E. (2024, June 7). Identity motives and well-being: Disentangling their longitudinal associations in adolescents with different cultural backgrounds. In De Lise, F. (Chair), Building identity in multicultural societies: Antecedents and consequences [Symposium]. International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI) Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.


Bacaro V., De Lise, F., Grimaldi, M., Andreose, A., Natale, V., Tonetti, L., & Crocetti, E. (2023, November 4). The longitudinal associations between identity processes and sleep quality in adolescents [Paper presentation]. Re-discovering Youths Today: Identity, Subculture, Psychosocial Functioning, and Service Needs, Social Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU), Hong Kong.

Bobba, B., Thijs, J., & Crocetti, E. (2023, November 4). Only humans? How national and human identifications influence adolescents’ ethnic prejudice [Paper presentation]. Re-discovering Youths Today: Identity, Subculture, Psychosocial Functioning, and Service Needs, Social Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU), Hong Kong.

Crocetti, E., & Bobba, B. (2023, August 28 – September 01). Is well-being fed by social identities? A longitudinal study with ethnic majority and minority adolescents. In E. Crocetti (Chair), Developing identities in European ethically and culturally diverse societies [Symposium]. European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Turku, Finland.

Crocetti, E., & Bobba, B. (2023, June 30 – July 4). Do your social identifications make you happy? A longitudinal and multidimensional study with adolescents [Poster session]. European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), 19th General Meeting, Krakow, Poland.

De Lise, F., Bacaro, V., Grimaldi, M., Andreose, A., Natale, V., Tonetti, L., & Crocetti, E.  (2023, August 28 – September 01). Tell me how you sleep, and I’ll tell you who you are: the longitudinal associations between identity processes and sleep quality in adolescents [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Turku, Finlandia.

De Lise, F., & Crocetti, E. (2023, August 28 – September 01) Educational and interpersonal identity processes: Their longitudinal associations with adolescents’ physical health, subjective, psychological, and social well-being. In F. De Lise & E. Crocetti (Chairs), Identity and well-being across youth’s development: Their interplay in multiple domains [Symposium]. European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Turku, Finlandia.

De Lise, F., & Crocetti, E. (2023, November 04). Educational identity and chronotype: Their longitudinal associations in adolescence [Paper presentation]. Re-discovering Youths Today: Identity, Subculture, Psychosocial Functioning, and Service Needs, Hong Kong.

De Lise, F., Grimaldi, M., Andreose, A., Bacaro, V., Natale, V., Tonetti, L., & Crocetti, E. (2023, August 28 – September 01). Is adolescents’ educational identity processes influenced by their chronotype? A longitudinal study [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Turku, Finlandia.

Maratia, F., & Crocetti, E. (2023, June 30 – July 4). Are adolescents more or less inclusive than their parents and teachers? [Poster session]. European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), 19th General Meeting, Krakow, Poland.

Pagano, M. & Crocetti, E. (2023, July). Are you part of my (sports) group? A longitudinal study about sports as context to promote social integration in adolescence. [Blitz presentation] Congress of European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow, Poland.

Pagano, M., & Crocetti, E. (2023, November 4). Finding the balance between different cultures: A longitudinal study about bicultural identity integration in adolescence [Paper presentation]. Re-discovering Youths Today: Identity, Subculture, Psychosocial Functioning, and Service Needs, Social Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU), Hong Kong.


Bacaro, V., Bobba, B., Carpentier, L., De Lise, F., Golfieri, F., Karataş, S., Maratia, F., Pagano, M., Tonetti, L., Natale, V., & Crocetti, E. (2022, March). The interplay between sleep quality and adolescents’ psychosocial development: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Poster presented at the World Sleep Congress, Rome, Italy.

Bacaro, V., Natale, V., Tonetti, L., Crocetti, E. (2022, March). The relationship between ecological contexts of adolescents and sleep quality. Poster presented at the World Sleep Congress, Rome, Italy.

Bobba, B., & Crocetti, E. (2022, August 24-27). Ethnic diversity: Resource or challenge? Exploring its effects on adolescents’ identity motives [Poster]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublino, Irlanda.

Bobba, B., & Crocetti, E. (2022, April). “I feel you!”: The role of empathic competences in reducing ethnic prejudice among adolescents. In B. Bobba & S. Karataş (Chairs), Positive youth development in multicultural societies: Individual and socio-contextual antecedents of intergroup outcomes among adolescents. Symposium held at the 1st Conference on Positive Youth Development (PYD) in a Cross-national Perspective, online.

Bobba, B., & Crocetti, E. (2022, August 24-27). Family and friends matter: Parents’ and peers’ influences on adolescents’ ethnic prejudice. In B. Bobba & E. Crocetti (Chairs), What a wonderful… multicultural world: Individual and socio-contextual correlates of intergroup attitudes and relations [Symposium]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Bobba, B., & Crocetti, E. (2022, June 19-23). The toll of prejudicial attitudes: Examining the associations between ethnic prejudice and well-being. In B. Bobba (Chair), Diversity in context: Intergroup relations and adjustment of majority and minority adolescents [Symposium]. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) 26th Biennial Meeting, Rhodes, Greece.

Crocetti, E. & Bobba, B. (2022, August 24-27). Identity and well-being: A multidimensional approach. In E. Crocetti & K. Sugimura (Chairs), Identity matters for well-being and adaptation to transitions: How and when? [Symposium]. European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Crocetti, E., & Bobba B. (2022, July, 12-15). Which aspects of your identities make you happier? A multidimensional perspective on identity and well-being [Paper]. European Conference of Personality (ECP), Madrid, Spain.

Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., Prati, F., & Rubini, M. (2022, July, 12-15). Development of prejudice against immigrants and ethnic minorities in adolescence: A systematic review with meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. [Paper]. European Conference of Personality (ECP), Madrid, Spain.

Karataş, S., & Crocetti, E. (2022, August). Cultural diversity approaches and psychosocial adjustment of ethnic minority adolescents: The roles of bicultural identity integration. In T. Aral, & L. Juang (Chairs), Heritage, national, and religious identity development during adolescence. The 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Karataş, S., Crocetti, E., Schwartz, S. J., & Rubini, M. (2022, August). Developmental trajectories of ethnic and national identities in adolescents from migrant families: The role of social identification with family and classmates. In S. Karataş, & Eckstein, K. (Chairs), Adolescents’ multiple identities: The role of family and school experiences. The 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

Karataş, S., Eckstein, K., Noack, P., Rubini, M., & Crocetti, E. (2022, April). Cultural diversity approaches and intergroup contact experiences of ethnic minority and majority adolescents within schools. In B. Bobba, & S. Karataş (Chairs), Positive youth development in multicultural societies: Individual and socio-contextual antecedents of positive intergroup outcomes among adolescents. The 1st Conference on Positive Youth Development in a Cross-national Perspective, Bergen, Norway (Online conference).

Negru-Subțirică, O., Bobba, B., Branje, S., Crocetti, E., Damian, L. E., Dielwart, I., Erentaitė, R., Glăvan, B., Golfieri, F., Hibbel, B., Jurkevičienė, J., Karaś, D., Karataş, S., Lannegrand, L., Marinică, B.-V., Maumevičienė, D., Mustea, A., Perchec, C., Raižienė, S., Świderska, J., Timar-Anton, C., Topolewska-Siedzik, E., & Varghese, T. (2022, August). eBUILD: An open access online gamified platform and course for learning and teaching about social inclusion. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.


Karataş, S., Eckstein, K., Noack, P., Rubini, M., & Crocetti, E. (2021, April). Longitudinal interplay of school cultural diversity climate and quality of intergroup contact experiences. Paper presented at the International Adolescence and Youth Research Congress, Online.

Karataş, S., Rubini, M., Prati, F., Schwartz, S. J., & Crocetti, E. (2021, April). Intergroup contact in multiple adolescents’ contexts: Developing the Intergroup Contact Interactions Scale-Short Version. Paper presented at the International Adolescence and Youth Research Congress, Online.

Karataş, S., Crocetti, E., Schwartz, S. J., & Rubini, M. (2021, April). Psychological and social adjustment in refugee adolescents: The role of parents’ and adolescents’ friendships. In D. Çavdar (Chair), Immigration and Adolescence: Challenges and Opportunities. Symposium conducted at the International Adolescence and Youth Research Congress, Online.

Karataş, S., Rubini, M., Eckstein, K., Noack, P., & Crocetti, E. (2021, August). Quality of intergroup contact experiences in school and out-of-school contexts: A longitudinal analysis of spillover effect. In S. Karataş, & J. Hillekens (Chairs), Intercultural encounters in school: Antecedents and consequences of adolescents’ diversity experiences. 3rd Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference, Potsdam, Germany (Online conference).


Crocetti, E. (2020, December). The voices of children and adolescents: The case of “Growing up without distance”. Paper presented at the Conference “The challenges of outcome evaluation in human services”, International virtual conference.

Crocetti, E., Karataş, S., & Rubini, M. (2020, September). The longitudinal interplay of identity and acculturation processes in adolescents with a migrant background. In E. Crocetti and K. Sugimura (Chairs), Identity challenges in a rapidly changing world. Symposium conducted at the 17th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Porto, Portugal.

Karataş, S., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2020, September). Positive and negative intergroup contact experiences in school and out-of-school contexts: A longitudinal analysis of the spillover effect. In S. Karataş and E. Crocetti (Chairs), The multifaceted influences of migration on adolescents. Symposium conducted at the 17th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Porto, Portugal.

Karataş, S., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2020, September). School cultural diversity climate and intergroup contact experiences of native adolescents and adolescents with a migrant background: A longitudinal study. Poster presented at the 17th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Porto, Portugal.


Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2019, October). Enlarging social identification(s) in the transition to emerging adulthood. In E. Crocetti (Chair), Identity challenges in emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the 9th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Toronto, Canada.

Crocetti, E. (2019, May). Identity formation and self-perception of adulthood in Italian emerging adults. In L. Aleni Sestito & L. S. Sica (Chairs), The overlap between adulthood and identity consolidation: The Italian case. Symposium conducted at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Naples, Italy.

Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., & Golfieri, F. (2019, June). Reducing adolescents’ linguistic discrimination against migrants: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the EASP Meeting on intergroup communication, Bologna, Italy.

Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2019, May). Self development and adolescent adjustment: A multi-dimensional longitudinal study. In K. Sugimura (Chair), The longitudinal relationship between youth identity development and multiple dimensions of adjustment. Symposium conducted at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Naples, Italy.

Pireddu, S., Menegatti, M., Crocetti, E., Moscatelli, S., & Rubini, M. (2019, June). When the face speaks for us: Competence, morality, and attractiveness inferred from faces predict hiring decisions for women (not for men). Paper presented at the EASP Meeting on intergroup communication, Bologna, Italy.

Rubini, M., Prati, F., Menegatti, M., Moscatelli, S., Kana Kenfack, C.S., Pireddu, S., Crocetti, E., & Mariani, M.G., (2019, June). Mixed gender committees as a strategy to reduce gender bias in personnel assessment. Paper presented at the EASP Meeting on intergroup communication, Bologna, Italy.

Schulz, S., Hadiwijaya, H., Klimstra, T., Nelemans, S., Crocetti, E., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2019, March). Longitudinal associations between parent-adolescent relationships and adolescent peer and romantic relationships: A meta-analysis. Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2018, September). I and Us: A longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence. In C. Perchec & Ewa Topolewska-Siedzi (Chairs), Identity formation in diverse Europe: Current issues in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2018, September). Social inclusiveness as affected by multiple categorization, social dominance orientation and prejudice towards immigrants: A longitudinal study. In F. Albarello & K. Ekstein (Chairs), Towards promotion of social inclusiveness and reduction of prejudice in adolescence. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Boele, S., van der Graaff, J., de Wied, M., van der Valk, I., Crocetti, E., & Branje, S. (2018, September). Linking parent-child and peer relationship quality to empathy in adolescence: A multilevel meta-analysis. In S. Schultz (Chair), Meta-analytic approaches to social relationships and interactions in adolescence. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Crocetti, E. (2018, May). Identity in emerging adults: Cohort effects and links with time perspective. In E. Crocetti & K. Sugimura (Chairs). Time as a key factor for studying identity in emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the SSEA thematic conference Self and identity in emerging Adulthood, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., & Vignoles, V. (2018, September). Identity processes and satisfaction of identity motives: A longitudinal study. In E. Crocetti (Chair), The multifaceted nature of adolescents’ identity. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Crocetti, E., Barbero Vignola, G., & Rubini, M. (2018, September). Identity processes and family and peer relationships: A longitudinal study on identity developement-in-context. In E. Crocetti, & O. Negru-Subtirica (Chairs). Nurturing healthy identity formation: New insights from longitudinal studies. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Erentaite, R., Raiziene, S., Cesnuityte, V., Sondaite, J., Vosylis, R., Gabrialaviciute, I., Crocetti, E., Rubini, M., Albarello, F., Prati, F., Negru-Subtirica, O., Damian, L.E., Glavan, B., Pop, E.I., Topolewska-Siedzik, E., Cieciuch, J., Klym-Guba, M., Strus, W., Karas, D., Lannegrand-Willems, L., Perchec, C., Chevrier, B., & Carrizales, A. (2018, September). Facilitating support to youth identity development in Europe: outcomes and implications from INSIDE project. Poster presented at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Erentaitė, R., Vosylis, R., & Crocetti, E. (2018, September). When personal and social benefits align: Longitudinal associations of identity processing styles with pro-diversity and pro-equality values in adolescence. In E. Crocetti (Chair), The multifaceted nature of adolescents’ identity. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Negru-Subtirica, O., Pop, E. I., & Crocetti, E. (2018, September). From styles to processes and back: How identity styles and educational identity processes reinforce each other in adolescence. In E. Crocetti, & O. Negru-Subtirica (Chairs). Nurturing healthy identity formation: New insights from longitudinal studies. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

Schulz, S., Hadiwijaya, H., Klimstra, T., Nelemans, S., Crocetti, E., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2018, September). A meta-analysis on the longitudinal associations between parent-adolescent relationships and adolescent peer and romantic relationships. In S. Schultz (Chair), Meta-analytic approaches to social relationships and interactions in adolescence. Symposium conducted at the 16h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.


Boele, S., van der Graaff, J., de Wied, M., van der Valk, I., Crocetti, E., & Branje, S. (2017, August-September). Adolescents’ empathy and relationship quality with parents and peers: A meta-analysis. Paper presented in the session Empathy in children and adolescents conducted at the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (EADP), Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Crocetti, E., Barbero Vignola, G., & Rubini, M. (2017, May). The interplay of identity formation and parental and peer bonds: A longitudinal study with early adolescents. In A. I. Becht (Chair), Adolescents’ identity formation in context: Longitudinal studies from Japan, Italy, and The Netherlands. Symposium conducted at the 24th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Groningen, the Netherlands.

Crocetti, E., Rubini, M., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2017, July). Is self and identity stability related to the experience of living abroad? A 10-year longitudinal study. In M Easterbrook and N. Geeraert (Chairs), The psychology of living abroad and coming home: Identity, interpersonal relations, and socio-cultural adaptation. Symposium conducted at the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Granada, Spain.

Hale, W. W., Crocetti, E., Nelemans, S. A., Branje, S., van Lier, P., Koot, H., Meeus, W. (2017, August-September). Mother and adolescent Expressed Emotion and adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptom development. In S. A. Nelemans (Chair), A psychosocial perspective on the development of internalizing symptoms across adolescence. Symposium conducted at the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (EADP), Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Prati, F., Crocetti, E., Mariani, M., Pireddu, S., & Rubini, M. (2017, July). Revising gender sterotypes in organizations. In J. Van der Toorn (Chair), Organizational behavior and gender. Blitz presentation session conducted at the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Granada, Spain.

Sugimura, K., Žukauskienė, R., Crocetti, E., Kaniušonytė, G., Nakama, R., Hatano, K., & Tsuzuki, M. (2017, May). Relationships between separation, connectedness, and identity in Lithuanian, Italian, and Japanese adolescents. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Groningen, the Netherlands.

Žukauskienė, R., Truskauskaitė-Kunevičienė, I., Kaniušonytė, G., Crocetti, E. (2017, August-September). Patterns of change and stability in identity processing styles. Poster presented at the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (EADP), Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Crocetti, E., Moscatelli, S., van der Graaff, J., Keijsers, L., van Lier, P., Koot, H. M., Rubini, M., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2016, July). The dynamic interplay among maternal empathy, quality of mother-adolescent relationship, and adolescent antisocial behaviors: New insights from a six-wave longitudinal multi-informant study. In K. Sugimura & E. Crocetti (Chairs), Adolescent psychosocial development. Symposium conducted at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Yokohama, Japan.

Crocetti, E., Moscatelli, S., Kaniušonytė, G., Branje, S., Rubini, M., & Žukauskienė, R. (2016, July). Morality, sociability, and competence as psychosocial resources to cope with adolescent developmental contexts: A longitudinal study. In N. Mercer & E. Crocetti (Chairs), Moral development across the life span: New insights on developmental pathways, antecedents, correlates, and consequences of morality. Symposium conducted at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Mercer, N., Crocetti, E., Branje, S., van Lier, P., & Meeus, W. (2016, September). The longitudinal association between delinquency and identity in adolescence. In N. Mercer (Chair), Delinquency and externalizing behavior in adolescence and emerging adulthood: Examining antecedents, consequences, and correlates. Symposium conducted at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

Mercer, N., Crocetti, E., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2016, September). An experimental investigation of susceptibility to deviant peers. Poster presented at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain

Mercer, N., Crocetti, E., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2016, July). Delinquency abstention, social anxiety and perceived relationship quality in adolescence and emerging adulthood. In N. Mercer & E. Crocetti (Chairs), Moral development across the life span: New insights on developmental pathways, antecedents, correlates, and consequences of morality. Symposium conducted at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Mercer, N., Crocetti, E., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2016, May). Delinquency abstention, social anxiety and perceived relationship quality in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Paper presented at the Life History Research Society Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Pop, E. I., Negru-Subtirica, O., Crocetti, E., & Meeus, W. (2016, September). Longitudinal connections between academic achievement and personality traits in adolescents during a school year. In T. Klimstra (Chair), The Big Five and more: Using traits derived from different traditions in the study of adolescent personality. Symposium conducted at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

Schubach, E., Zimmermann, J., Crocetti, E., Meeus, W., Noack, P., & Neyer, F. J. (2016, September). Regional identity and close relationships. In E. Crocetti (Chair), Exploring new routes: Innovative applications of the three-factor identity model. Symposium conducted at the 15h Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

Van der Graaff, J., Carlo, G., Crocetti, E., Meeus, W., Koot, H., Branje, S. (2016, March). Prosocial behavior in adolescence: A 6-year longitudinal study on developmental changes and links with empathy. In J. Van der Graaff (Chair), The roles of empathic concern and perspective taking in prosocial development: A cross-national investigation. Symposium conducted at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


Crocetti, E., Moscatelli, S., Branje, S., van der Graaff, J., Koot, H., Rubini, M., & Meeus, W. (2015, October). Being moral is good for the self! A four-wave longitudinal study on the interplay of self and prosocial development in emerging adulthood. In E. Crocetti (Chair), Identity formation and self-development in emerging adulthood: New insights from longitudinal studies. Symposium conducted at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Miami, USA.

Dimitrova, R., Crocetti, E., Buzea, C., Jordanov, V., Kosic, M., Tair, E., Tausova, J., van Cittert, N., & Uka, F., & (2015, September). The Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): Measurement invariance and cross-national comparisons of youth from seven European countries. In paper symposium Methods, history, theory. 17th European conference on developmental psychology, Braga, Portugal.

Erentaite, R., Vosylis, R., & Crocetti, E. (2015, October). Validation of three-­dimensional identity process model and its links to aspects of emerging adulthood in a sample of Lithuanian 20, 25 and 30-year olds. Poster presented at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Miami, USA.

Pesigan, I. J., Banzon-Librojo, L., & Crocetti, E. (2015, October). Examining the factor structure and measurement invariance of the Filipino and English versions of the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale among Filipino emerging adults. Paper presented at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Miami, USA.


Crocetti, E., Erentaitė, R., & Žukauskienė, R. (2014, September). Identity styles, positive youth development, and civic engagement in adolescence. In A. Aydinli (Chair), Identity formation and positive youth development: Evidence from diverse cultural groups. Symposium conducted at the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cesme, Turkey.

Morsünbül, Ü., Crocetti, E., Cok, F., & Meeus, W. (2014, September). The Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): Gender and Age Measurement Invariance and Convergent Validity of the Turkish Version. In Ü Morsünbül (Chair), Extensions of Marcia’s identity status model: Identity process models. Symposium conducted at the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cesme, Turkey.

Morsünbül, Ü., Crocetti, E., Cok, F., & Meeus, W. (2014, September). The relation between identity statuses and psychosocial functioning in Turkish youth. In M. Sayil (Chair), Adolescents’psychosocial functionality in different contexts in Turkey. Symposium conducted at the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cesme, Turkey.


Crocetti, E., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Matos, P. M., Morsunbul, O., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., Meeus, W. (2013, February). Identity Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Nine-Nation Cross-Cultural Study. In L. Axtetter (Chair), Identity. Symposium conducted at the 13th Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Mobile (AL), USA.

Crocetti, E., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Klimstra, T., Lin, C. L., Matos, P. M., Morsunbul, O., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., Meeus, W. (2013, July). The Utrecht-Management Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): Psychometric Properties in Various Cultural Contexts. Paper presented at the European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA), Donostia – San Sebastian, Spain.

Crocetti, E., Hale, W. W. III, Dimitrova, R., Gao, C. H. (2013, August). Adolescent Anxiety Incidence, Gender Differences, and Identity Correlates: A cross-cultural approach. Poster presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Division 7 (Developmental Psychology), Honolulu, USA.

Crocetti, E., Magrin, M. E., Steca, P., D’Addario, M., Miglioretti, M., Sarini, M., Scrignaro, M., Vecchio, L. (2013, July-August). Social Support and Adherence to Treatment in Hypertensive Patients: A Meta-Analysis. Poster presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Division 38 (Health Psychology), Honolulu, USA.

Crocetti, E., Sugimura, K., Tagliabue, S., Takahashi, A., Niwa, T., Sugiura, Y., Jinno, M. & Meeus, W. (2013, October). Identity and well-being: A cross-cultural comparison of Italian and Japanese emerging adults. In M. Syed, E. Crocetti, (Chairs), Identity Development in Emerging Adulthood: Exploring the Diversity in Process and Outcomes. Symposium conducted at the 6th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Chicago (IL), USA.

Karaś, D., Cieciuch, J., Negru, O., & Crocetti, E. (2013, May). Dobrostan i kształtująca się tożsamość w okresie stającej się dorosłości – badania miedzykulturowe [Well-being and identity formation in emerging adulthood – cross-cultural comparison]. Paper presented at the XXII General Polish Conference on Developmental Psychology (OKPR), Gdańsk, Poland.


Crocetti, E., Ahmad, I., Gao, C. H., Fermani, A., Meeus, W. (2012, August). Unraveling links between anxiety and identity in adolescents from North and South European countries, Middle East, and China. In W. Hale, E. Crocetti (Chairs), New insights into adolescent anxiety disorders development: Longitudinal biological and cross-sectional multi-cultural perspectives. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.

Crocetti, E., Klimstra, T., Ahmad, I., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Matos, P. M., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., Meeus, W. (2012, August). Studying identity cross-culturally: A nine-nation study with adolescents and emerging adults from European and Asian countries. In E. Crocetti, T. Klimstra (Chairs), Individual, relational, and cultural factors influencing identity paths in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.

Crocetti, E., Sugimura, K., Tagliabue, S., Takahashi, A., Niwa, T., Sugiura, Y., Jinno, M. (2012, August). So far so different? Being emerging adults in Italy and Japan. In E. Crocetti, K. Sugimura (Chairs), Perception of emerging adulthood and transition to adulthood in different cultural contexts. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.

Karaś, D., Cieciuch, J., Negru, O., Crocetti, E. (2012, August). Model of relationships between identity development and well-being in Poland, Romania, and Italy. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.

Sugimura, K., Niwa, T., Takahashi, A., Sugiura, Y., Jinno, M., Crocetti, E. (2012, August). Identity formation and independent/interdependent self-construal in Japanese emerging adults. In E. Crocetti, T. Klimstra (Chairs), Individual, relational, and cultural factors influencing identity paths in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spetses, Greece.


Avanzi, L., Crocetti, E., Fraccaroli, F. (2011, May). Interactive effects of organizational and work-group identification on employee well-being. In S. Toderi & L. Q. Yang (Convenors), Individual differences and different forms of commitment and identification. Symposium conducted at the 15th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

Avanzi, L., Cortini, M., Crocetti, E. (2011, November). When age matters: The role of teacher aging on different facets of job identity and organizational citizenships behaviors. Poster presented at the EAWOP Small Group Meeting Age Cohorts in the Workplace: Understanding and Building Strength through Differences, Rovereto, Italy.

Biermann-Mahaim, E., Mantzouranis, G., Genoud, P.A., Crocetti, E., Zimmermann, G. (2011, August). The Identity Style Inventory (ISI-3) and the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): Psychometric properties with French-speaking late adolescents. Poster presented at the 15th European Conference of Developmental Psychology (ESDP), Bergen, Norway.

Crocetti, E. (2011, October). Contents and correlates of religious orientations and commitments: Qualitative and quantitative studies among Italian emerging adults. In C. McNamara Barry & E. Crocetti (Convenors), The Role of Religiosity on Emerging Adults’ Behaviors. Symposium at 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Providence, RI, USA.

Crocetti, E., & Tagliabue, S. (2011, October). Relational and vocational identity issues in emerging adults:
Evidence from university students and young workers. In D. W. Shwalb & L. Nelson (Convenors), Developmental and Cultural Perspectives on the Self in Emerging Adulthood. Symposium conducted at 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Providence, RI, USA.

Crocetti E., Jahromi, P. L., Buchanan, C. M. (2011, May). Civic values and political engagement: A cross-cultural comparison between Italian and American adolescents. Individual paper presented at the PIDOP conference Engaged citizens? Political participation and social engagement among youth, women, minorities and migrants. Bologna, Italy.

Fermani, A., Crocetti E., Pojaghi, B. (2011, May). Volunteer engagement as a form of social participation: A study on Italian emerging adults. Individual paper presented at the PIDOP conference Engaged citizens? Political participation and social engagement among youth, women, minorities and migrants. Bologna, Italy.

Negru, O., Crocetti, E. (2011, August). Identity statuses and well-being in Romanian and Italian emerging adults. Poster presented at the 15th European Conference of Developmental Psychology (ESDP), Bergen, Norway.

Negru, O., Porfeli, E., Crocetti, E. (2011, September). Preparing for the future: An analysis of educational and vocational identity in Romanian adolescents. Paper presented at the Conference on Vocational Designing and Career Counseling, Padova, Italy.

Tagliabue, S., & Crocetti, E. (2011, October). Measuring emerging adulthood and adulthood: An Italian validation of different scales. Poster presented at 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Providence, RI, USA.

Tagliabue, S., & Crocetti, E. (2011, October). How do Italians perceive emerging adulthood and the transition to adulthood? Perspectives from university students and young workers. In S. Tagliabue & E. Crocetti (Convenors), Representations of emerging adulthood and transition to adulthood in different cultural contexts. Symposium conducted at 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Providence, RI, USA.


Crocetti, E., Schwartz, S. J., Fermani, A., Klimstra, T., Pojaghi, B., Meeus, W. (2010, March). A cross-cultural comparison of identity statuses between two European countries. Poster presented at the 13th Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Crocetti, E., Sica, L. S., Schwartz, S. J., Serafini, T., Fermani, A., Meeus, W. (2010, March). Identity functions, styles, processes, and statuses: which relationship? Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Identity Formation (SRIF), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Jahromi, P. L., Crocetti E., Buchanan, C. M. (2010, March). Civic and self-centered values and goals: A comparison of American and Italian adolescents. Poster presented at the 13th Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Negru, O., Crocetti, E. (2010, September). Dimensions of well-being and identity dimensions in Romanian and Italian emerging adults: A cross-cultural analysis. Poster presented at the 24th European Health Psychology Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Crocetti, E. (2009, October). Psychosocial well-being in emerging adulthood: A comparison between Italian students and workers. Individual paper presented at 4th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Crocetti, E., Rubini, M., & Meeus, W. (2009, March). Identity formation in adolescents from different ethnic groups. Individual paper presented at the 4th Conference Young People & Societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean, Forlì, Italy.

Fermani, A., Crocetti, E., Pojaghi, B., Meeus W. (2009, April). Relazione con i genitori e chiarezza del concetto di sé in adolescenti di diversa etnia [Parental relationships and self-concept clarity in adolescents from different ethnic groups]. Individual paper presented at the 16th International Conference Infancy and Adolescence (INFAD), Torino, Italy.


Crocetti, E., Palmonari, A., Pojaghi, B. (2008, December). Work Identity, well-being and time perspective of typical and atypical young workers. Individual paper presented at the 4th International Forum of the Research Centre for Work, Health and Organizational Effectiveness (CRITEOS), Bari, Italy (Premiato dalla SIPEF con il Young Researcher Best Presentation award)

Crocetti, E., Keijsers, L., Hale, W. W., & Meeus, W. (2008, May). Anxiety Trajectory Classes and Identity Development: A Five-Wave Longitudinal Study. In E. Crocetti & T. Klimstra (Convenors), Identity formation in adolescence: Longitudinal studies on antecedents and consequences of identity development. Symposium conducted at the 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Torino, Italy.

Crocetti, E., Klimstra, T., Fermani, A., & Meeus, W. (2008, May). Italian Validation of the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale. Individual paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Torino, Italy.

Klimstra, T., Crocetti, E., Hale, W., Raaijmakers, Q., & Meeus, W. (2008, March). Identity and internalizing and externalizing problems in three personality types. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Meeting 2008, Chicago, USA.


Crocetti, E., Fermani, A., & Pojaghi, B. (2007, May). “To choose or not to choose?” An          experience of action-research with adolescents. Individual paper presented at the 15th Scientific Convention “Relations and structures. Developments of Gestalt theory in psychology and adjacent fields”, Gestalt Theory Association (GTA), Macerata, Italia.

Crocetti, E., & Palmonari, A. (2007, May). Adolescence and emerging adulthood: The relevance of Lewin’s thought. Individual paper presented at the 15th Scientific Convention “Relations and structures. Developments of Gestalt theory in psychology and adjacent fields”, Gestalt Theory Association (GTA), Macerata, Italia.

Crocetti, E., Palmonari, A., & Pojaghi, B. (2007, February). “Who am I?” Identity formation in Italian emerging adults. Individual paper presented at 3rd Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Crocetti, E., Palmonari, A., & Pojaghi, B. (2007, February). The network of relationships of Italian emerging adults: The importance of family and peers. Poster presented at 3rd Conference on Emerging Adulthood (EA), Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Klimstra, T., Crocetti, E., Hale III, W. W., Raaijmakers, Q. A. W. & Meeus, W. (2007, November). Identiteit en internaliserend en externaliserend probleemgedrag in dire persoonlijkheidstypes [Identity and internalizing and externalizing problems in three personality types]. Paper presented at the ISED-researchdag 2007, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands.


Crocetti, E., & Meeus, W. (2006, May). Development and validation of a new identity instrument: A parsimonious approach. In W. Beyers & J. Kroger (Chairs), The dynamics of identity formation during adolescence: Variations across time and domain. Symposium conducted at the 10th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Antalya, Turkey.

Presentations at Small Group Meetings

Crocetti, E., & Meeus, W. (2014, July). Youth identity: Similarities and differences across European countries. Paper selected for presentation for the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) Small Group Meeting on Culture and Psychology: Insights from the European Context. Leuven, Belgium.

Crocetti, E. (2006, December). Choices beyond gender stereotypes: An Italian action-research project. Paper presented at the Small Group Conference on European Equal Projects: Exchanging best practices. Paris, France.

Crocetti, E. (2006, November). The identity styles in adolescence and emerging adulthood: An Italian study. Paper presented at the Small Group Conference on Identity Styles, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Presentations at conferences on invitation

2014        Invited participant, facilitator and commenter, “Identity development in perspective – What are the challenges for the future”?. Sätra Bruk, Sweden.

2012        Invited guest, 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology. Aix-en-Provence, France.

2009        Awarded with the SRIF best dissertation award, 16° Annual Conference of the Society for Research on Identity Formation (SRIF). Monterey (California, USA)

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