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Courses in bachelor, master, and post-lauream courses in Italian universities

2024/2025             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, University of Bologna

2024/2025             Laboratory I- E (M-PSI/05; 26 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2024/2025             Laboratory I- F (M-PSI/05; 10 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2023/2024             Project skills (12 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Psychology of Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity, University of Bologna

2023/2024             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, University of Bologna

2023/2024             Laboratory I- E (M-PSI/05; 26 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2023/2024             Laboratory I- F (M-PSI/05; 26 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2022/2023             Project skills (15 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Psychology of Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity, University of Bologna

2022/2023             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, University of Bologna

2022/2023             Laboratory I- D (M-PSI/05; 15 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2022/2023             Laboratory I- F (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2021/2022             Project skills (15 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Psychology of Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity, University of Bologna

2021/2022             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 60 hours), First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, University of Bologna

2021/2022             Laboratory I- D (M-PSI/05; 15 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2021/2022             Laboratory I- F (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2020/2021             Project skills (15 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Psychology of Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity, University of Bologna

2020/2021             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 60 hours), First cycle degree programme (L) in Social Work, University of Bologna

2020/2021             Laboratory I- D (M-PSI/05; 15 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2020/2021             Laboratory I- F (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2020/2021             Practicum Training in Psychology (M-PSI/05; 21 hours), First cycle degree programme in Psychological sciences and techniques, University of Bologna

2019/2020             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 60 hours), School of political sciences, University of Bologna

2019/2020             Laboratory I- D (M-PSI/05; 15 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2019/2020             Laboratory I- F (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology, University of Bologna

2019/2020             Practicum Training in Psychology (M-PSI/05; 21 hours), First cycle degree programme in Psychological sciences and techniques, University of Bologna

2018/2019             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 60 hours), School of political sciences, University of Bologna

2018/2019             Laboratory I- D (M-PSI/05; 15 hours), School of Psychology and Education, University of Bologna

2018/2019             Laboratory I- F (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), School of Psychology and Education, University of Bologna

2017/2018             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 60 hours), School of political sciences, University of Bologna

2016/2017             Psychology of Group Relationships (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), School of Psychology and Education, University of Bologna

2016/2017             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 60 hours), School of political sciences, University of Bologna

2015/2016             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 72 hours), School of political sciences, University of Bologna

2014/2015             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 72 hours), School of political sciences, University of Bologna

2013/2014             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), School of political sciences, University of Bologna

2010/2011             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Faculty of educational sciences, University of Macerata

2010/2011             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Faculty of law, University of Macerata

2009/2010             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Faculty of educational sciences, University of Macerata

2009/2010             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 15 hours), English course for ERASMUS students, Faculty of educational sciences, University of Macerata

2009/2010             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 40 hours), Faculty of law, University of Macerata

2008/2009             Psychology of social systems (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Faculty of educational sciences, University of Macerata

2008/2009             Psychology of social systems (M-PSI/05; 15 hours), English course for ERASMUS students, Faculty of educational sciences, University of Macerata

2008/2009             Methods and techniques to analyze and treat disease (M-PSI/07; 30 hours), Faculty of law, University of Macerata

2008/2009             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 40 hours), Faculty of law, University of Macerata

2007/2008             Psychology of social interactions (M-PSI/05; 30 hours), Faculty of educational sciences, University of Macerata

2007/2008             Social psychology (M-PSI/05; 20 hours), Faculty of law, University of Macerata

2007/2008             Developmental psychology (M-PSI/04; 30 hours), Scuola Interuniversitaria di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario (SISS), University of Macerata

2006/2007             Developmental psychology (M-PSI/04; 30 hours), Scuola Interuniversitaria di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario (SISS) corso speciale abilitante ex D. M. 85/2005, University of Macerata

2005/2006             Theories and techniques for orientation tests (10 hours), First-level Master in Experts in techniques and orientation methods, University di Macerata


Integrative seminars

2015/2016: Professional identity (3 hours), School of psychology and educational sciences, University of Bologna, Italy

2015/2016:  Emerging adulthood (2 hours), School of psychology and educational sciences, University of Bologna, Italy

2014/2015: Emerging adulthood (2 hours), School of psychology and educational sciences, University of Bologna, Italy


Lectures in PhD programs

2023/2024: Time in context: Challenges for psychological research (4 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2023/2024: Systematic reviews: Guidelines and best practices (12 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2022/2023: Laboratory of scientific writing (3 hours). PhD in Scienze della persona e nuovo Welfare, University of Bergamo, Italy

2022/2023: Systematic reviews: Guidelines and best practices (8 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2022/2023: Mapping grants and research funding: A compass for navigating a complex world (4 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2021/2022: Systematic reviews: Validity and best practices (8 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2020/2021: Cross-lagged panel models using Mplus (4 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2020/2021: Growth modelling using Mplus (4 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2019/2020: Longitudinal data analysis using Mplus (7 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2018/2019: Longitudinal methods (16 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2018/2019: Developing identity: The dynamic of forming and consolidating identity commitments (2 hours). PhD program in Psychology and social neurosciences, University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy

2018/2019: Systematic reviews and meta-analysis: An introduction (3 hours). PhD program in Educational Sciences, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma, Italy.

2017/2018: Structural Equation Modelling Analyses in AMOS (14 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2017/2018: Contemporary models for studying identity in adolescence and emerging adulthood (2 hours). Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma, Italy

2016/2017: Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling (14 hours). PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2016/2017: Systematic reviews and meta-analysis: An introduction (3 hours). PhD program in Educational Sciences, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma, Italy.

2013/2014: Meta-Analysis (14 hours), PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2011/2012: Introduction to meta-Analysis (3 hours), PhD program in psychology. University of Parma, Italy

2010/2011: Introduction to meta-Analysis (3 hours) and Met-analytic applications in the professional fields, PhD program in psychology, University of Torino, Italy

2010/2011: Meta-Analysis (16 hours), PhD program in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.


LLP/Erasmus mobility, grants for Teaching Staff Mobility

2020/2021: International teaching Social inclusion of adolescents with a migrant background. Lecture held in the Curriculum “Promoting social inclusion in a complex world” (PROS), Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project “Promoting social inclusion skills in a post-truth world: A gamified online platform and curriculum (PROMIS)” (Project number: 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063157).

2019/2020: International teaching Developing an inclusive European identity. Lecture held in the Bootcamp dell’Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project Peace Dialogue Campus Network: Fostering Positive Attitudes between Migrants and Youth in Hosting Societies (Peacemakers) (Project number: 2017-1-TR01-KA203-046676).

2017/2018: International teaching The concepts of personal and social identity. Insegnamento tenuto nell’“Innovative curriculum for strong identities in diverse Europe (INSIDE)”, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships (Project number: 2016-1-LT01-KA203-023220).

2013/2014: Identity development (3 hours). Lund University (S) and European Commission LLP Intensive Programme “Young People Identity Formation in the Modern World” (YPIF) (in collaboration with University of Bologna, Italy; Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania). Lecture held at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

2010/2011: Individual, relational, and social antecedents and consequences of identity formation in adolescents and emerging adults (5 hours), Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2009/2010: Domains and contexts of identity formation: Education, relationships, politics, and religion (5 hours), Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

2008/2009: Cross-cultural studies on identity (5 hours), Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

2007/2008: Identity development in adolescence: New perspectives of research (5 hours), Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Invited lectures in international universities

2022: Identities: A Developmental Social-Psychological Perspective (1.5 hours). Invited lecture, Hiroshima University, Japan

2019: Developing identities in modern societies: Challenges, opportunities, and risks for adolescents (2 hours), Uppsala University, Sweden

2016: Structural Equation Modelling and Longitudinal Analyses in Mplus. Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2016: Self and identity formation as embedded in the social context: Insights from longitudinal studies (2 hours). Nagoya University, Japan

2016: Identity formation in adolescence (2 hours). Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2015: Who am I? Identity formation in adolescence: Processes, correlates, and cultural influences (1 ora). Utrecht University, the Netherlands

2015: Structural Equation Modelling and Longitudinal Analyses in Mplus (35 hours). Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2014: Publishing in ISI international English journals and dealing with the editorial process (30 hours), Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2013: Identity in Emerging Adulthood: A Ten-Nation Cross-Cultural Study (1 ora), Tilburg University , the Netherlands

2013: Introduction to Meta-analysis (11 hours), Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2011: Identity in emerging adulthood: Insights from the Italian context (4 hours), Nagoya University, Japan

2011: Capturing identity issues: processes, statuses, and correlates (2 hours), Hiroshima University, Japan

2011: The past, the present, and the future of identity research along the life span (3 hours), Japanese Society for developmental psychology, Kansai section; Kobe, Japan

2009: Identity formation in adolescence (3 hours), Universités de Lausanne et de Genève, Switzerland


Seminars/workshops and summer schools organized by international scientific associations

2024: Research collaborations for identity research Pre-conference workshop (5 hours), International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI) Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

2022:  Academic writing and grant writing Pre-conference workshop (6 hours), 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.

2021: Writing European grants: How to attract research funds? (4 hours). Panelist, AIP post-conference, Online

2016/2017: Adolescent identity: The dynamic of forming and consolidating identity commitments (2 hours). Senior scholar lecture, EADP/EARA/SRA summer school, Utrecht, the Netherlands

2016/2017: Meta-analysis. Pre-conference workshop (7 hours), 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.

2015/2016: Longitudinal data analysis: Applications in Mplus. Pre-conference workshop (7 hours), 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

2014/2015: Systematic reviews with meta-analysis: Why, When, and How? (4 hours). Writing week, European Association of Developmental Psychology, University of Brasov, Romania.

2014/2015: Longitudinal data analysis: Applications in Mplus (7 hours). Methodology workshop organized by European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) and University of Bordeaux. Bordeaux, France.

2014/2015: How to be productive in terms of publications: Techniques and practices of academic writing (12 hours). European Research Union (ERU) meeting, University of Palermo, Italy.

2013/2014: Advanced Longitudinal Approaches for Modeling Individual Development: Latent Growth Analysis (LGA), Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA), Growth Mixture Modeling (GMM), Pre-conference workshop (7 hours), 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cesme, Turkey.

2013/2014: Meta-analysis: Why, When, and How? (3 hours), Emerging Scholars Methods Workshop, 6th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Chicago (IL), USA.

Courses on meta-analysis

2014/2015: XI° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2014/2015: Statistical course (14 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2013/2014: X° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2013/2014: IX° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2012/2013: Meta-Analysis (21 hours), University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy

2012/2013: VIII° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2012/2013: VII° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2012/2013: Meta-Analysis (35 hours), University of Pisa, Italy

2011/2012: Meta-Analysis in the clinical practice (12 hours), The Cochrane collaboration, Officina Napoli Cochrane, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy

2011/2012: V° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2011/2012: IV° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2010/2011: III° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2010/2011: II° Course on meta-analysis (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

2009/2010: Meta-analysis 2010 (35 hours), Cesenatico (FC), Italy

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