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Italian conferences

Keynote at national conferences

Crocetti, E. (2024, November 8). Who are we? Developing identities and inclusive societies. Keynote at the conference “Il popolo del futuro”, Trento, Italy.

Symposia at Italian conferences (Chair)

Crocetti, E. (2022). Identities as a core asset for adaptation: Perspectives from developmental, social, and work psychology. Symposium conducted at the XXX National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Padova, Italy.

Crocetti, E. & Albarello, F. (2021), Ridurre il pregiudizio e promuovere l’integrazione: Traiettorie di sviluppo e processi identitari [Reducing prejudice and promoting integration: Developmental trajectories and identity processes]. Symposium conducted at the XVII National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Brescia, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Moscatelli, S. (2015, September). La moralità come principio fondamentale della convivenza sociale [Morality as a main principle of social life]. Symposium conducted at the XI° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Palermo, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Tagliabue, S. (2012, September). I giovani italiani e la transizione all’età adulta: Il contributo di diversi approcci psicologici [Youth and transition to adulthood: The contribution of different psychological approaches]. Symposium conducted at the X° Congress of Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), Chieti, Italia.

Crocetti, E., & Mancini, M. (2010, September). L’identità: Modelli teorici e dimensioni identitarie a confronto [Identity: Comparisons among theoretical models and identity dimensions]. Simposio condotto al X° Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Torino, Italia.

Crocetti, E., & Tagliabue, S. (2009, September). Diventare adulti oggi: Le determinanti del benessere individuale, relazionale e sociale [To become adults: Predictors of individual, relational, and social well-being]. Simposio condotto al IX° Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Cagliari, Italia.

Crocetti, E., Tagliabue, S. & Fermani, A. (2007, September). L’impegno e l’acquisizione dell’identità in adolescenza e nella transizione all’età adulta: Aspetti individuali, relazionali e comunitari [Commitment and identity achievement in adolescence and in the transition to adulthood: Individual, relational and community issues]. Poster Simposio condotto al VIII° Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Cesena, Italia.

Symposia at Italian conferences (Discussant)

Crocetti, E. (2022, September). The challenge of using intensive longitudinal methods. In A. Sorgente (Chair), Intensive longitudinal methods: What opportunities for research in psychology?”. Symposium conducted at the XXX National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Padova, Italy.

Presentations at Italian conferences


Crocetti, E., & Maratia, F. (2024, September 5-7). Dall’identità scolastica allo sviluppo di atteggiamenti inclusivi in adolescenza [From educational identity to the development of inclusive attitudes in adolescence]. In A. Miglietta (Chair), Nuovi italiani: Traiettorie di integrazione dei giovani con background migratorio [New Italians: Trajectories of integration of young people with a migratory background]. [Symposium]. Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) 18th National Congress of Social Psychology, Turin, Italy.


Bobba, B., & Crocetti, E. (2022, September). In the midst of 2022: Socio-contextual factors shaping adolescents’ ethnic prejudice in current times. In M. Pagano & F. Maratia (Chairs), Ethnic and cultural diversity: Inclusion and intergroup relations in multicultural contexts. Symposium conducted at the XXX National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Padova, Italy.

Crocetti, E. (2022, September). The interplay of social identification and well-being in adolescence: A multi-dimensional approach. In E. Crocetti (Chair), Identities as a core asset for adaptation: Perspectives from developmental, social, and work psychology. Symposium conducted at the XXX National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Padova, Italy.

Golfieri, F., & Crocetti, E. (2022, September). Looking for positive examples: The influence of parents’ job identity on adolescents’ educational identity. Paper presented at the XXX National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Padova, Italy.


Bobba, B., & Crocetti, E. (2021, September). Il pregiudizio etnico in adolescenza: Traiettorie di sviluppo e associazioni con l’identità scolastica [Ethnic prejudice during adolescence: Developmental trajectories and associations with educational identity]. In E. Crocetti & F. Albarello (Chairs), Ridurre il pregiudizio e promuovere l’integrazione: Traiettorie di sviluppo e processi identitari [Reducing prejudice and promoting integration: Developmental trajectories and identity processes]. Symposium conducted at the XVII National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Brescia, Italy.

Crocetti, E. (2021, October). Le dinamiche identitarie in adolescenza [Identity dynamics in adolescence]. Presentazione nel convegno Il disturbo borderline di personalità e le comorbilità affettive [Borderline disorder and affective comorbidities]. Cesenatico, Italy.

Crocetti, E. & Albarello, F. (2021, September). Lo sviluppo del pregiudizio contro gli immigrati e le minoranze etniche in adolescenza: Una meta-analisi di studi longitudinali. In E. Crocetti & F. Albarello (Chairs), Ridurre il pregiudizio e promuovere l’integrazione: Traiettorie di sviluppo e processi identitari [Reducing prejudice and promoting integration: Developmental trajectories and identity processes]. Symposium conducted at the XVII National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Brescia, Italy.


Crocetti, E., & Albarello, F. (2019, September). La traiettoria evolutiva dell’identificazione sociale nella transizione dall’adolescenza alla fase giovanile [The developmental trajectory of social identification in the transition from adolescence to emerging adulthood]. In E. Crocetti (Chair), Le nuove generazioni nei contesti sociali [The new generations in the social contexts]. Sessione tematica condotta al XVI° Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Roma, Italia.


Albarello, F., & Crocetti, E. (2018, September). Dominanza sociale, categorizzazione multipla, pregiudizio verso i migranti e inclusività sociale in adolescenza. In S. Alfieri, & D. Marzana (Chairs), “In poltrona, sdraiati e sfiduciati?”. Inclusione sociale e partecipazione di adolescenti e giovani adulti [“In an armchair, lying down and disheartened?”. Social inclusion and participation of adolescents and young adults]. Symposium conducted at the XV° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Bari, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2018, September). Moralità, competenza e socievolezza nelle percezioni di sé degli adolescenti. Studio longitudinale sulle differenze di genere. In M. Menegatti (Chair), “Disuguaglianza di genere: Processi psico-sociali che contribuiscono a riprodurre in modo sottile la discriminazione delle donne ” [Gender inequality: Psycho-social processes that contribute to reproducing the discrimination of women in a subtle way]. Symposium conducted at the XV° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Bari, Italy.


Crocetti, E., Branje, S., Rubini, M., Koot, H. M., & Meeus, W. (2016, September). Relazioni familiari e formazione dell’identità in adolescenza: Uno studio longitudinale centrato sulla famiglia [Family relationships and identity formation in adolescence: A longitudinal family-focused study]. In Parise, M., & Pagani, A. F. (Chairs), Close relationships e processi identitari [Close relationships and identity processes]. Symposium conducted at the XIII° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Naples, Italy.


Crocetti, E., van der Graaff, J., Keijsers, L., van Lier, P., Koot, H. M., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2015, September). Interconnessioni tra dinamiche familiari e comportamenti antisociali in adolescenza: Nuove evidenze da uno studio longitudinale multi-informatore [Connections between family dynamics and antisocial behaviors in adolescence: New insights from a multi-informant longitudinal study]. In E. Crocetti, S. Moscatelli (Chairs), La moralità come principio fondamentale della convivenza sociale [Morality as a main principle of social life]. Symposium conducted at the XI° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Palermo, Italy.

Crocetti, E., Moscatelli, S., van der Graaff, J. M, Koot, H., Rubini, M., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2015, June). Essere morali fa bene al sé: Uno studio longitudinale sulle interconnessioni tra sviluppo del sé e prosocialità nell’emerging adulthood [To be moral is good for the self: A longitudinal study on associations between self and prosocial development in emerging adulthood]. In A. M. Meneghini (Chair), Nutrire benessere e sviluppo positivo: Quale il ruolo di attivismo, volontariato e prosocialità? [Nurturing well-being and positive development: Which role of activism, volunteerism, and prosociality?] Symposium conducted at the VII° Congress of Positive Psychology, Bergamo, Italy.


Crocetti, E. (2013, September). Trasmissione intergenerazionale della chiarezza del concetto di sé: Uno studio longitudinale e multi-informatore [Intergenerational trasmission of self-concept clarity: A longitudinal and multi-informant study]. Poster presented at the XI° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Padova, Italy. [Awarded with the best poster presented by a young researcher award].


Crocetti, E., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Matos, P. M., Morsünbül, Ü., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., & Meeus, W. (2012, September). Studiare l’identità nell’emerging adulthood in un’ottica cross-culturale: Evidenze da nove Paesi europei e asiatici [Studying identity in emerging adulthood in a cross-cultural perspective: Evidence from nine European and Asian countries]. In E. Crocetti, S. Tagliabue (Chairs), I giovani italiani e la transizione all’età adulta: Il contributo di diversi approcci psicologici [Young Italians and the transition to adulthood: The contribution of various psychological approaches]. Symposium conducted at the X° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Chieti, Italy.

Crocetti, E., Klimstra, T., Hale, W., Van Lier, P., Koot, H., & Meeus, W. (2012, September). Percorsi identitari in adolescenti a rischio: Uno studio longitudinale [Identity paths in at risk adolescents: A longitudinal study]. Poster presented at the X° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Chieti, Italy.

Fermani, A., & Crocetti, E. (2012, February). Identity processes and statuses in Italian adolescents from different ethnic groups. Paper presented at the Meeting Identity and difference between nature and culture: An interdisciplinary debate, Macerata, Italy.

Tagliabue, S., Crocetti, E., Sugimura, K., Takahashi, A., Niwa, T., Sugiura, Y., & Jinno, M. (2012, September). Percepirsi adulti in Italia e in Giappone: Somiglianze e differenze [Perceinving adulthood in Italy and Japan: Similarities and differences]. In E. Crocetti, S. Tagliabue (Chairs), I giovani italiani e la transizione all’età adulta: Il contributo di diversi approcci psicologici Young Italians and the transition to adulthood: The contribution of various psychological approaches]. Symposium conducted at the X° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Chieti, Italy.


Crocetti, E., Avanzi, L., & Fraccaroli, F. (2011, October). Identità, identificazione e benessere organizzativo: Un approccio centrato sulla persona [Identity, identification, and organizational well-being: A person-centered approach]. Paper presented at National Congress of Work Psychology (AIP), Milan, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Negru, O. (2011, November). Correlati del benessere soggettivo, psicologico e sociale nell’emerging adulthood: Risultati di uno studio cross-culturale [Correlates of subjective, psychological, and social well-being in emerging adulthood: A cross-cultural study]. Paper presentato al Convegno di Psicologia Positiva, Milano, Italia.


Crocetti, E. (2010, September). Differenze di genere nella formazione dell’identità: Risultati di una meta-analisi [Gender differences in identity formation: Meta-analytic findings]. Poster presented at the 10th National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Torino, Italy [Awarded with the best poster presented by a young researcher award].

Crocetti, E. (2010, May). Valorizzare la rete sociale degli adolescenti: Famiglia, amici, scuola e contesti educativi [Valuing the social network of adolescents: Family, peers, school, and educational contexts]. Civitanova Marche (Macerata), Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Pojaghi, B. (2010, April). Percezione delle norme e partecipazione sociale [Norms perception and social partecipation]. Paper presented at the Conference “Empathy, moral reasoning, and political engagement”. Macerata, Italy.

Fermani, A., Crocetti, E., Pojaghi, B., Schwartz, S. J., & Meeus, W. (2010, Settembre). Gli stati dell’identità: Un confronto fra adolescenti italiani e olandesi [Identity statuses: A comparison between Italian and Dutch adolescents]. In E. Crocetti, T. Mancini (Chairs), L’identità: Modelli teorici e dimensioni identitarie a confronto [Identity: Comparisons among theoretical models and identity dimensions]. Symposium conducted at the 10th National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Torino, Italy.


Crocetti, E. (2009, November). Ansia e incertezza identitaria in adolescenza [Anxiety and identity instability in adolescence]. Paper presented at the IV° National Congress on social phobias. Ancona, Italy.

Crocetti, E., Fermani, A., Pojaghi, B., & Palmonari, A. (2009, September). Determinanti del benessere psico-sociale in giovani universitari e lavoratori [Determinants of psychosocial well-being in university students and young workers]. In E. Crocetti, S. Tagliabue (Chairs), Diventare adulti oggi: Le determinanti del benessere individuale, relazionale e sociale [To become adults: Predictors of individual, relational, and social well-being]. Symposium conducted at the 9th National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Cagliari, Italy.

Crocetti, E. (2009, June). Diventare gradi in una trama di rapporti [To grow up in a network of relationship]. Civitanova Marche (Macerata), Italy.

Fermani, A., Crocetti, E., Polenta, S., Chibunna, A.D., & Santori, N. (2009, October). La responsabilizzazione degli adolescenti: Un modello di intervento preventivo attraverso l’interazione tra pari [Adolescents’ responsability: An intervention by means of peer interaction]. Paper presented at the Conference “Peer interactions in learning processes”. Macerata, Italy.

Fermani, A., Crocetti, E., Pojaghi, B., & Meeus W. (2009, September). Processi e stati dell’identità in adolescenti italiani e di differenti gruppi etnici [Identity processes and statuses in adolescents from Italian and ethnic groups]. In A. Fermani & L. Migliorini (Chairs), Adolescenti, processi identitari ed etnicità [Adolescents, identity processes, and ethnicity]. Symposium conducted at the9th National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Cagliari, Italy.


Crocetti, E. (2008, May). Dimensioni psico-sociali della resilienza [Psychosocial dimensions of resiliency]. Paper presented at the Conference on Resiliency, Macerata, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Fermani, A. (2008, May). Diventare grandi a …Corridonia [Growing up in …Corridonia]. Corridonia, Italy.

Crocetti, E., Fermani, A., & Pojaghi, B. (2008, February). La formazione dell’identità come compito di sviluppo centrale dell’adolescenza [Identity formation: The adolescent core developmental task]. Paper presented at the Conference “Adolescence and young adulthood”. Macerata, Italy.

Fermani, A., & Crocetti, E. (2008, April). La discussione tra pari come forma di apprendimento [Peer discussion as a learning process]. Paper presented at the Conference “Peer interactions in learning processes”. Macerata, Italy.


Crocetti, E. Luyckx, K., & Meeus W. (2007, September). Da tre processi a cinque stati dell’identità: Uno studio su adolescenti appartenenti a vari gruppi etnici [From three dimensions to five identity statuses: A study on adolescents from various ethnic groups:]. In E. Crocetti, S. Tagliabue, & A. Fermani (Chairs), L’impegno e l’acquisizione dell’identità in adolescenza e nella transizione all’età adulta: Apetti individuali, relazionali e comunitari [Commitment and identity achievement in adolescence and in the transition to adulthood: Individual, relational and community issues]. Poster Symposium conducted at the 8th Conference of Italian Association of Social Psychology (AIP), Cesena, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Fermani, A. (2007, May). Diventare grandi a…Treia. [Growing up in …Treia]. Treia, Italy.

Fermani, A., Crocetti, E., Pojaghi, B., & Meeus W. (2007, September). Rapporto con la famiglia e sviluppo del concetto di sé in adolescenza [Family relationships and adolescent self-concept]. In E. Crocetti, S. Tagliabue, & A. Fermani (Chairs), L’impegno e l’acquisizione dell’identità in adolescenza e nella transizione all’età adulta: Aspetti individuali, relazionali e comunitari [Commitment and identity achievement in adolescence and in the transition to adulthood: Individual, relational and community issues]. Poster Symposium conducted at the 8th National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Cesena, Italy.


Crocetti, E. (2006, June). Validazione di un nuovo modello per lo studio dell’identità in adolescenza [Validation of a new model to study identity formation in adolescence]. Individual paper presented at the Conference “Who I am?. Identity studies in adolescence”, Macerata, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Palmonari, A. (2006, September). Attaccamento e benessere sociale in adolescenti e giovani [Attachment and social well-being in adolescents and emerging adults]. Individual paper presented at the 7th National Congress of the Italian Society of Health Psychology (SIPS), Cesena, Italy.

Crocetti, E. & Palmonari, A. (2006, September). Giovani adulti alle prese con la propria identità, tra passato, presente e futuro [Emerging adults dealing with their identity, between past, present and future]. In E. Scabini & P. Amerio (Chairs), Lavoro, scelta affettiva, partecipazione: La transizione all’età adulta di giovani studenti e lavoratori [Work, affective choice, Participation: The transition to adulthood for young students and workers]. Symposium conducted at the 7th National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Genova, Italy.

Fermani, A., Pojaghi, B., & Crocetti, E. (2006, September). I concetti di “politica” e di “donna in politica” nelle rappresentazioni delle donne [The concepts of “politics” and “women in politics” in women’s representations]. Individual paper presented at the 7th National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Genova, Italy.

Mandrioli, E., Crocetti, E., Graziani, A.R., Ingellis, A.G., Moscatelli, S., Sarchielli, G., & Toderi, S. (2006, September). Precarietà del lavoro – precarietà e ambivalenza nella vita quotidiana: Quali costi psicosociali? [Job flexibility – precariousness and ambivalence in daily life: Which psycho-social costs?]. Individual paper presented at the 7th National Congress of the Italian Society of Health Psychology (SIPS), Cesena, Italy.


Crocetti, E. (2005, March). I processi dell’identità in adolescenti e giovani [Identity processes in adolescents and emerging adults]. Poster presented at the Poster Competition, University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy.


Crocetti, E. (2004, November). Tavola rotonda: La partecipazione dei giovani alla politica [Round table: Youth political participation]. University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy

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